Just me


I was born to be stubborn, to be a little bit bitchy,

to push people, to push myself.

I was taught never to take life for granted,

to live a little, to love with everything I had,

to never give up, to believe in myself,

but most of all, to fight for myself.

-my life, my way

Psss,Β  you can call me the extraordinary girl ^-^

64 thoughts on “Just me

  1. I totally agree. Live your own life, how you want to live it. Love is one of the greatest emotions in my opinion. To love with everything you have is the only way. x

  2. Now I did promise that I would be over so here is the visit. Glad you liked my own blog. Interesting and diverse stuff. Here’s the follow you crave, and hopefully you liked my site sufficiently to return the action! πŸ˜‰ MM

  3. I love your about me thing. Very unique and I love the poetry ! Have you done it by yourself ? It is super cool πŸ™‚ Never give up ! Keep up the good work and keep writing like that πŸ™‚ My best wishes are with you always ! πŸ™‚ xx

  4. definitely – our lives, our way (to each his own). you pushed yourself just enough to win another nomination not to be taken for granted. congratulations! here’s the link http://kintal.wordpress.com/2013/08/13/belsbror-thank-you/ you didn’t think i forgot you, right? you were one of the supportive bloggers who came into my posts when i was just starting. thank you very much… your comments and likes meant and still mean much to me.

    • Wow..can’t say anything…really thank you! Yup, I will not think you forget about me, you give me lots of support too! I remember this familiar blogger of mine!! Haha. Thanks very much ><

  5. Congratulations! I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! Please see my blog for more details. Here is your list of questions:

    1. What is your best holiday memory?
    2. Do you like to collect a particular something?
    3. What frightens you?
    4. Which bug do you like best?
    5. Who is the person who makes you laugh?
    6. Where do you go when you need to get away from it all?
    7. What is your guilty pleasure?
    8. Where would your dream holiday be?
    9. What is the one talent you wish you had?
    10. If you could meet three famous people, living or dead, who would you choose?

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